amicable’s tips for co-parenting during the summer holidays

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Today on the Frolo blog we're welcoming the expert team at amicable, sharing their tips for co-parenting during the summer holidays...

Tip 1: Plan ahead

The summer rolls around quickly, but creating a plan in advance can help you navigate the holidays smoothly. If you have a parenting plan with your co-parent, you may already have decided when the children will spend time with each of you. Check-in with your co-parent and check that you’re still in agreement. 

If you don’t have a plan, the holidays present a great opportunity to create one. You can use our free parenting plan e-book template for this. Try to remember it’s the quality of time spent with your children rather than the quantity. If you need help reaching an agreement over the holidays, we offer a ‘Holiday Co-parenting Arrangements Consultation’ where a Co-parenting Specialist can help you to discuss and agree on your holiday arrangements. To find out more, book a free 30 minute advice call with one of our specialists.

Once you’ve agreed, communicate the plan to your children to reduce any uncertainty they might be feeling around the holidays. They need to know who they will be spending time with and when, as well as any trips or activities they can look forward to. 

Tip 2: Stick to your agreements and boundaries and prioritise respectful communication 

Once you have a plan in place, it’s important that you honour your commitment to planned time with your children. If something with work needs your attention, if the children are with you, it’s your responsibility to arrange alternative care. 

Obviously, if something unavoidable crops up, like a health emergency, you should try to be accommodating and flexible. You can use an app like the amicable co-parenting app to stick to your shared care schedule and arrangements over the summer. The app is designed to help parents with all aspects of parenting apart and helps reduce tension and conflict. 

Have boundaries in place to help navigate your co-parenting relationship, such as around communication methods (ie., phone calls, texts or emails). Practice respectful communication with each other, as you are role-modelling to your children, and they love you both. 

Discuss and agree in advance on how to handle extra costs associated with summer activities and vacations. Try to keep each other informed about significant expenses and share receipts if necessary. The amicable co-parenting app enables you to do this in the expense section. 

Tip 3: Get creative 

If you’ve separated from you’re ex and are co-parenting, your financial situation is likely to be very different from when you were together as a couple. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun summer with your kids. Search online for discounted activities and trips. Museums, picnics, gardening and baking are all fun affordable activities you can do together. Friends and family can be a wonderful source of free childcare, so remember to lean on your social network for help. 

It can feel lonely when the children are with their other parent, so plan some fun things that you can do alone or with friends and family. Read a book, go on a walk or run, have a glass of wine with your friends, take a trip outside of your area or use it as an opportunity to meet new people. Activities like running clubs are a great way to keep fit and meet like-minded people, so why not use this time to get out of your comfort zone and have some fun? 

Parenting can be tricky and times and even more so when you’re a co-parent, but remember what you can and can’t control and enjoy spending time with your children. It’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day logistics, but the summer is an opportunity for fun and memories with your kids, so try to focus on that as you navigate the holidays. It’s also important to try to encourage your children to enjoy their time with the other parent and support their relationship, which will help them to cope with your separation. 

Tip 4: Get a FREE 30 minute call with an amicable expert

amicable helps couples separate or divorce in a kinder, more amicable and affordable way. They are the UK’s top-rated separation service and unlike solicitors, they work with couples, offering a fixed-fee service at a more affordable price. 

They can help you agree how to split finances, make arrangements for children, and manage the legal process end-to end. They also offer co-parenting support to help you navigate all aspects of parenting apart.

amicable are offering Frolo users a FREE 30 minute call with one of their specialists. Click here to find out more.

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